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Article #16222: Too many open files when using open() in a Win App

 Question and Answer Database
FAQ1222C.txt Too many open files when using open() in a Win App
Category :Windows API
Platform :Windows 3.1
Product : BC++4.5x BC++5.x TC++Win4.5
Why is it when I use
int open(const char *path, int access [, unsigned mode]);
and I try to open more than 15 files, I get an error from
the global variable errno, that there are too many open files.
This works fin ein a DOS application, and in a Win32 application.
Use UINT SetHandleCount(uint cHandles). This will open
up the number of handle counts that the application can have.
7/2/98 10:32:32 AM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99