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Article #27031: Error "Application is not licensed to use this feature" when running a Delphi application.


What is the cause of the error "Application is not licensed to use this feature"?


This error occurs when you try to use components from one version of Delphi, such as Enterprise, with a different version that does not include those components, such as Standard. For example if you try to install the database components from the Enterprise version of Delphi into a Standard installation of Delphi.

Another possible cause is if you have the Standard version of Delphi installed on your machine and you install the Professional or Enterprise version without first uninstalling the Standard version. This error may also occur if you move a project from one version to another and keep the same compiled units (.dcu). It is best to delete the .dcu files and let them be recreated automatically.

Note: It is fine to have two different release versions of Delphi on your machine, such as Delphi 4 and Delphi 5, but not two versions of the same release such as Delphi 5 Standard and Delphi 5 Enterprise.

Last Modified: 07-MAR-01