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Article #27129: Selecting an item in a TListView when the checkbox is checked

Selecting an item in a TListView when the checkbox is checked
By Corbin Dunn
Delphi Developer Support

You may have noticed some peculiar behavior with a TListView that has check boxes. Checking a check box does not select the underlying item. There is any easy way to solve this problem. In the OnMouseDown event handler of the TListView add the following code:

procedure TForm1.ListView1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
Item: TListItem;
// Did we hit a checkbox? If so, make sure the item it
// represents is selected.
Item := ListView1.GetItemAt(X, Y);
if Item <> nil then
if ListView1.Selected <> Item then
ListView1.Selected := Item;
This should solve that problem!

If you want some example source code with this solution in it, download the project from CodeCentral.

Last Modified: 26-MAR-01