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Article #28182: Timeout problems with SOAP services in Delphi 6.


I'm writing SOAP servers in Delphi 6 with service pack 1 and IndyApp. How can I set the timeout of SOAP requests, to adapt it to the type of the requests?


IF the client is Delphi 6, SP1 then the problem is that Borland uses WinInet which has problems with TimeOuts. There's the InternetSetOption API to configure timeouts but it has been broken for a very long time now:

It used to be that only the SEND_TIMEOUT and CONNECT_TIMEOUT were failing but it seems that as of IE5, RECEIVE_TIMEOUT also timed out.

There's a workaround involving another thread that Borland did not implement. It is documented at: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q224318

Last Modified: 31-DEC-01