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Article #28366: Unofficial WebSnap Fixes Page 2

Unofficial WebSnap Bug Fixes Page 2

By Corbin Dunn cdunn@nospam.borland.com
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In general, applying these fixes require you to rebuild some of the VCL. The easiest way to do this, is to go to Tools | Environment Options and from the Library tab add $(DELPHI)\Source\Internet to your Library Path. Or, you can copy the patches files to your current project directory and do a build all. These will only fix applications that are built without runtime packages.

These fixes are unofficial, are not supported by Borland, and are to be used at your own risk.

Quick Jumps:
The OnValidate events of an Adapter and AdapterField don't get called on a regular adapter when an Action for that Adapter is executed.
Required property of AdapterField not working when the user inputs nothing into the field
Using the TDataSetAdapterImageField with Bitmaps in a database BLOB field will always give an "Invalid bitmap" error when trying to view the image.

Required property of AdapterField not working when the user inputs nothing into the field.

The fix for this problem is to modify the following function in WebAdapt.pas as follows:

function TAdapterUpdateField.ImplCheckValueChange(
AActionRequest: IActionRequest; AFieldIndex: Integer): Boolean;
FieldValue: IActionFieldValue;
I: Integer;
Value: Variant;
// Test single value
with GetActionFieldValues(AActionRequest) do
FieldValue := Values[AFieldIndex];
if GetValueCount = ConvertValueCount(FieldValue) then
Result := False;
if IsMultiValueField then
for I := 0 to FieldValue.ValueCount do
if ConvertValues(FieldValue, I) <> GetValues(I) then
Result := True;
Result := True;
if Result then break;
// Corbin — Add the Required check as a fix.
Value := GetValue;
if VarIsEmpty(Value) then
begin // I added the "or Required" on the line below
if (ConvertValue(FieldValue) <> '') or Required then
Result := True
if ConvertValue(FieldValue) <> Value then
Result := True;
Result := True;
Result := False;

The OnValidate events of an Adapter and AdapterField don't get called on a regular adapter when an Action for that Adapter is executed.

The fix for this problem is to modify the following function in WebAdapt.pas as follows:

procedure TCustomAdapterAction.ImplExecuteActionRequest(AActionRequest: IActionRequest;
AActionResponse: IActionResponse);
S: TStrings;
// corbin — make sure the adapter updates its records before calling the OnExecute event
Adapter.UpdateRecords; // Add this line before the rest
// ....
Or, you can call (YourAdapterName).UpdateRecords as the first thing in your OnExecute event of the AdapterAction.

Using the TDataSetAdapterImageField with Bitmaps in a database BLOB field will always give an "Invalid bitmap" error when trying to view the image.

The fix for this problem is to modify the following function in DBAdaptImg.pas as follows. Goto line 238 (in RenderAdapterImage):

 else if (Bytes[0] = Ord('B')) and { Do not localize}
(Bytes[1] = Ord('M')) then // Windows bitmap { Do not localize}
begin // added begin
ContentStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); // Missing in update pack 2 — corbin — go back over the start of the bytes before converting
end // added end
I missed adding the seek back over BM before converting the bitmap to a jpeg.

Last Modified: 25-FEB-02