Вы можете определить, какая версия библиотеки rich-edit используется приложением,
по значению переменной RichEditVersion.
Кроме того, компонента TRxRichEdit поддерживает вставку OLE-объектов (в том
числе графических изображений) и активизацию их по месту. Работа с OLE-объектами
в редактируемом тексте определяется значениями свойств AllowObjects,
AllowInPlace и AutoVerbMenu.
Класс TRxRichEdit реализует несколько методов для работы со стандартными диалогами
Windows — InsertObjectDialog, PasteSpecialDialog,
ObjectPropertiesDialog, FindDialog, ReplaceDialog.
Свойство определяет, возможно ли будет вставлять OLE-объекты в редактор TRxRichEdit.
Значение True (по умолчанию) разрешает использование OLE-объектов.
AllowInPlace determines whether the rich edit control allows inplace activation
of contained OLE objects.
Set AllowInPlace to specify what happens when the user activates the OLE object
in the rich edit control. If AllowInPlace is True and object is not iconic,
the OLE object is activated inplace. If AllowInPlace is False, the OLE object
is activated in a separate window.
This property is present only in Delphi 3.0 or higher.
AutoVerbMenu determines whether the rich edit control automatically creates
a pop-up menu containing the OLE object's verbs.
Use AutoVerbMenu to specify whether the OLE object can add items to the rich
edit control's popup menu. If AutoVerbMenu is True (the default), the OLE object
add items to the menu specified by PopupMenu property or creates new popup menu.
If AutoVerbMenu is False, no popup menu items are automatically created.
Displays the Insert Object OLE dialog box.
Call InsertObjectDialog to let the user create an OLE object. The OLE object
can be embedded or linked. InsertObjectDialog returns True if the dialog box
was successfully displayed and the user chose the OK button. InsertObjectDialog
returns False otherwise. If the user chose OK then InsertObjectDialog method
inserts an object into a rich edit control and the selection is replaced with
the new OLE-object.
If AllowObjects is Flase this method simply returns False without any actions.
Displays the Paste Special OLE dialog box.
Call PasteSpecialDialog to let the user control how the contents of the Windows
clipboard are pasted into the rich edit control. The Paste Special dialog box
lets the user select the format of the data and whether the OLE object should
be displayed as an icon (and if so, to choose a different icon). PasteSpecialDialog
returns True if the dialog box was successfully displayed and the user chose
the OK button. It returns False otherwise.
If AllowObjects is Flase this method simply returns False without any actions.
RichEditVersion: TRichEditVersion;
RichEditVersion indicates which version of rich edit control DLL is installed.
The appearance and behavior of rich edit control varies depending on which version
of rich edit library (riched32.dll or riched20.dll) is installed. Use RichEditVersion
variable to determine which version is installed.
Windows NT
Microsoft® Windows NT® version 4.0 ships rich edit libraries 1.0 and 2.0. Windows NT version 5.0 ships rich edit library 3.0 with Rich Edit 1.0 emulation.
Windows 95
Microsoft® Windows® 95 ships only Riched32.dll. However, Riched20.dll is compatible
with Windows 95 and may be present if an application that uses Rich Edit 2.0
has been installed on the system.
Windows 98
Microsoft® Windows® 98 ships Riched32.dll and Riched20.dll. This Riched20.dll
is the Rich Edit 2.0 version.