Article #29143: Cannot register Kylix 3 due to endless registration loop


I have installed Kylix 3 and am having problems registering it. The registration wizard appears repeatedly and will not accept my registration information as valid, even though it is correct.

How can I register Kylix 3?

This could be due to a corrupt registration file. The solution is to delete the existing registration files for Kylix 3, and then re-register.

First, navigate to your .borland directory, which will be found in the home directory of the user under which Kylix 3 was installed. If you installed as root, this will be /root/.borland. If you installed as an user, this will be /home/username/.borland.

Inside the .borland directory, delete these two files: registry.dat, registry.slm. Doing so should remove the existing registration information.

Then, register Kylix 3 again, and it should work properly.

Last Modified: 30-SEP-02