Article #29806: Class TReport not found


I am migrating an application that was developed with Delphi 2. This application uses ReportSmith and used the TReport component. I keep getting the error Class TReport not found even though I copied the Report.dcu and RSCONSTS.dcu files into my Delphi Lib directory.


The files Report.dcu and RSCONSTS.dcu are shipped with the latest version of Delphi strictly for backward compatibility. What these files allow you to do is use the command line compiler to compile your existing project that contains the TReport component. You will not be able to open up this project inside the Delphi IDE and compile because the TReport component doesn't exist so your form will be unable to render this component. I would highly recommend rewriting any code that is dependent on TReport and use a reporting tool that is current and supported with the latest versions of Delphi. Delphi 7 ships with Rave so I would suggest looking into this.

Last Modified: 27-MAR-03