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Article #15829: Unable to close CAPDOS32

 Question and Answer Database
FAQ829C.txt Unable to close CAPDOS32
Category :IDE
Platform :Win95/NT
Product : 5.x
I have been using Borland C++ 5.0 under Win95.
Whenever I come to restart or shut down the computer I get a
message saying unable to close down a file called
'CAPDOS32'. In the task manager there also seems to be
large numbers of 'winoldap's.
Using the Windows Explorer, go to the Windows\System directory.
Find the file "conagent". Right click on it, and go to
Properties. Under the 'Programs' tab, you will find a check-box
marked "Close on exit". Make sure it's checked. If it isn't, the
16-bit boxes that BC5 spawns will just sort of "hang around" in
the background after it's done with them, causing the error
you're seeing.
7/2/98 10:32:32 AM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99