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Article #16030: Using shellitm.h and OWL

 Question and Answer Database
FAQ1030C.txt Using shellitm.h and OWL
Category :OWL
Platform :All
Product :BC++ 5.x
When I'm using the shellitm.h file I can compile my cpp files
error free, but when I'm linking them I allways get on the
second pass the following error:
Error:Error: Unresolved external 'SysFreeString' referenced
from module SHELLITM.CPP
Error:Error: Unresolved external '_IID_IDataObject' referenced
from module SHELLITM.CPP
Error:Error: Unresolved external '_IID_IDropTarget' referenced
from module SHELLITM.CPP
Error:Error: Unresolved external 'CoCreateInstance' referenced
from module SHELLITM.CPP
Error:Error: Unresolved external '_IID_IPersistFile' referenced
from module SHELLITM.CPP
Error:Error: Unresolved external 'SysStringLen' referenced from
I get this even if I only put "TShellItem folder;" declaration.
The funny part is that the final program is still runs.
Any clue on how to get rid of this errors?
You need to add either ole2w16.lib or ole2w32.lib to your
project, depending on whether you are writing a 16 or 32 bit
7/2/98 10:32:32 AM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99