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Article #16054: Scaling BCB Applications

 Question and Answer Database
FAQ1054C.txt Scaling BCB Applications
Category :VCL
Platform :All
Product :C++Builder 1.x
What issues do I need to be aware of when developing
applications that will be run on different screen
resolutions (form scaling)?
The following are issue to bear in mind when scaling
BCB applications (forms) on different screen resolutions?
* Decide early on in the form design stage whether you're
going to allow the form to be scaled or not. The advantage
of not scaling is that nothing changes at runtime. The
disadvantage of not scaling is that nothing changes at
runtime (your form may be far too small or too large to read
on some systems if it is not scaled).
* If you're NOT going to scale the form, set Scaled to
* Otherwise, set the Form's Scaled property to True.
* Set AutoScroll to False. AutoScroll = True means 'don't
change the form's frame size at runtime' which doesn't look
good when the form's contents do change size.
* Set the form's font to a scaleable TrueType font, like
Arial. MS San Serif is an ok alternate, but remember that
it is still a bitmapped font. Only Arial will give you a
font within a pixel of the desired height. NOTE: If the
font used in an application is not installed on the target
computer, then Windows will select an alternative font
within the same font family to use instead.
This font may not match the same size of the original
font any may cause problems.
* Set the form's Position property to something other than
poDesigned. poDesigned leaves the form where you left it at
design time, which for me always winds up way off to the
left on my 1280x1024 screen — and completely off the 640x480
* Don't crowd controls on the form — leave at least 4
pixels between controls, so that a one pixel change in
border locations (due to scaling) won't show up as ugly
overlapping controls.
* For single line labels that are alLeft or alRight
aligned, set AutoSize to True. Otherwise, set AutoSize to
* Make sure there is enough blank space in a label
component to allow for font width changes — a blank space
that is 25% of the length of the current string display
length is a little too much, but safe.
(You'll need at least 30% expansion space for string
labels if you plan to translate your app into other
languages) If AutoSize is False, make sure you actually set
the label width appropriately.
If AutoSize is True, make sure there is enough room for
the label to grow on its own.
* In multi-line, word-wrapped labels, leave at least one
line of blank space at the bottom. You'll need this to
catch the overflow when the text wraps differently when the
font width changes with scaling. Don't assume that because
you're using large fonts, you don't have to allow for text
overflow — somebody else's large fonts may be larger than
* Be careful about opening a project in the IDE at
different resolutions. The form's PixelsPerInch property
will be modified as soon as the form is opened, and will be
saved to the DFM if you save the project. It's best to test
the app by running it standalone, and edit the form at only
one resolution. Editing at varying resolutions and font
sizes invites component drift and sizing problems.
* Speaking of component drift, don't rescale a form
multiple times, at design time or a runtime. Each rescaling
introduces roundoff errors which accumulate very quickly
since coordinates are strictly integral. As fractional
amounts are truncated off control's origins and sizes with
each successive rescaling, the controls will appear to creep
northwest and get smaller.
If you want to allow your users to rescale the form any
number of times, start with a freshly loaded/created form
before each scaling, so that scaling errors do not
* Don't change the PixelsPerInch property of the form,
* In general, it is not necessary to design forms at any
particular resolution, but it is crucial that you review
their appearance at 640x480 with small fonts and large, and
at a high-resolution with small fonts and large before
releasing your app. This should be part of your regular
system compatibility testing checklist.
* Pay close attention to any components that are
essentially single-line TMemos — things like TDBLookupCombo.
The Windows multi-line edit control always shows only whole
lines of text — if the control is too short for its font, a
TMemo will show nothing at all (a TEdit will show clipped
text). For such components, it's better to make them a few
pixels too large than to be one pixel too small and show no
text at all.
* Keep in mind that all scaling is proportional to the
difference in the font height between runtime and design
time, NOT the pixel resolution or screen size. Remember
also that the origins of your controls will be changed when
the form is scaled — you can't very well make components
bigger without also moving them over a bit.
7/2/98 10:32:32 AM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99