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Article #16746: Limit of characters for a TEditFile

 Question and Answer Database
FAQ1746C.txt Limit of characters for a TEditFile
Category :OWL
Platform :All
Product :BC++ 5.x
Why does there seem to be a limit of 30,000 characters for my
AppExpert editor application? I am targeting 32 bit so it should
be unlimited.
The default limit is 30K. To increase this use EM_LIMITTEXT with a
value of -1 ( for the maximum ). In an OWL AppExpert application
use a post message to the TEditFile window:
PostMessage( EM_LIMITTEXT, -1, 0L );
...otherwise if 16 bit you could play with EM_GETHANDLE,
EM_SETHANDLE for a limited increase ( might go from ~30K
to ~48K ). If they have to stay with 16 bit they could download
BIGEDx.ZIP from compuserve ( someones shareware large editor ).
7/2/98 10:32:32 AM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99