Question and Answer Database FAQ2445C.txt Command Enabling Category :VCL Platform :All Product :C++Builder 3.x Question: What is a good way to implement command enabling in the VCL? Answer: You might put command enabling in the OnClick event of the parent window. Which gets called before displaying the menu. So if you want to enable/disable paste and the menu option is on the edit menu then in the onclick event for the edit menu check to see if there is anything on the clipboard //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Body is a TMemo* void __fastcall TMainForm::EditMenuClick(TObject *Sender) { EditUndoItem->Enabled = (Body->CanUndo); EditPasteItem->Enabled = Clipboard()->HasFormat(CF_TEXT); EditCopyItem->Enabled = (Body->SelLength> 0); EditCutItem->Enabled = (Body->SelLength> 0); EditDeleteItem->Enabled = (Body->SelLength> 0); } 7/2/98 10:32:32 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99