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Article #17529: How to get a long file name from a short one

 Question and Answer Database
FAQ2529C.txt How to get a long file name from a short one
Category :Windows API
Platform :All
Product :C++Builder 3.x
How do I get the long file name if I only have the truncated
short one?
Include the file shlguid.h and use the function below — modified for VCL
This will give the CORRECT longfilename regardless of where shortname
truncation occurs (directory or file).
// include header
// function to determine long name
void __fastcall miscGetLongName( AnsiString& a )
// get desktop folder
IShellFolder *desktop;
if ( SHGetDesktopFolder(desktop) == NOERROR ) {
// determine full characteristics of name
wchar_t widename[MAX_PATH];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, a.c_str(), -1, widename, MAX_PATH);
unsigned long attr = 0;
int i;
TItemIDList* id = NULL;
desktop->ParseDisplayName(NULL, NULL, widename, i, id, attr);
if (id) {
// determine name from shell object
char sz[_MAX_PATH];
SHGetPathFromIDList(id, sz );
a = sz;
// clean up memory
Ole2::IMalloc *mem;
if (SHGetMalloc(mem) == NOERROR) {
// release resources
7/2/98 10:32:32 AM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99