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Article #18816: Preventing multiple instances with BCB

 Question and Answer Database
FAQ3816C.txt Preventing multiple instances with BCB
Category :Windows API
Platform :Win95/NT
Product : All32Bit
I want to permit only one copy of my program to run at a time. The Previous
Instance is always set to NULL, yet it is supposed to be NULL only the first
time you run the program.
This is a code example of using a Mutex to determine if another
instance is running.
::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, "YourMutexName");
if ( GetlastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS )
// Found another running application with the same mutex
// so one instance is already running.
Application->Title="Testing"; // prohibits finding this instance
HWND FirsthWnd, FirstChildhWnd;
// see Application->Title or Options|Project|Application Tab|Title
FirsthWnd = ::FindWindow("TApplication", "YourApplicationTitle");
if (::IsIconic(FirsthWnd))
::ShowWindow(FirsthWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
FirstChildhWnd = ::GetLastActivePopup(FirsthWnd);
if (FirsthWnd != FirstChildhWnd)
::BringWindowToTop(FirstChildhWnd); // A pop-up is active so bring it to the top too.
Application->Title = "YourApplicationTitle";

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99