Question and Answer Database FAQ: FAQ4518C — BORDBK41.DLL is missing or not registered Category: Install Issues Platform: All-32Bit Product: C++Builder4.x, Question: I had D4 (patch3) installed (on C drive) on my NT workstation and then installed CBuilder4 (on D: drive). Initially I got an error when trying to run a D4 application. Then I uninstalled D4 from C drive and re-install it on D drive — this fixed the Delphi problem. However, now I am having the same problem with BCB4: "Debugger Kernel BORDBK41.dll missing or not registered". Answer: You can do a search both drives for the DLL and then re-register the latest one manually. At the command prompt, in the directory with the DLL, enter the following: regsvr32 bordbk41 Also, you can search the Registry to make sure the correct path and reference count are showing up for the DLL. (search for BORDBK41 and keep hitting F3 until you see the setting for shared DLLs) 6/16/99 3:02:23 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99