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Article #19533: Making function calls on an ActiveX RemoteDataModule server with one connection.

 Question and Answer Database
FAQ4533C.txt — Making function calls on an ActiveX RemoteDataModule server with one connection.
I have a server that is a TRemoteDataModule and I have
extended it with other functions. How do I maintain one
connection with my remote server and make function calls
to it?
You can use the Appserver property of the TDispatchConnection
VCL component. AppServer provides read-only access to the
interface returned by the application server?s remote
data module. Client applications can communicate directly
with the application server through this interface.
Here is an example:
IDispatch* disp = (IDispatch*)(MyConnection->AppServer);
IMyAppServerDisp TempInterface((IMyAppServer*)disp);
4/29/99 1:01:33 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99