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Article #22092: Shortcut to Turbo C++


I successfully installed Turbo C++ 3.0 onto my computer, but I can't find a way to start the program. How can I do that?


The Turbo C++ compilers 3.0 was written prior to the releases of Windows 95/98/NT/2000, and therefore the installaton program is not able to make all of the adjustments expected of a program built for a modern operating system. The following instructions will guide you through placing access to the compiler (via a shortcut) in the Program Files, Start Menu, and on the Desktop.

Placing a shortcut to Turbo C++ on the Desktop.

  1. Go to -> Start | Right-click | Explore | C:\TC\Bin
  2. Locate and Right-click on TC.EXE (in the right-hand explore window)
  3. Select "Create Shortcut"
  4. Locate "Shortcut to Turbo C++ IDE", (which will have just been created and should be visible) Right-click on it and CUT or COPY.
  5. Minimize (or close) the Explore window, Right-click on the Desktop and Select PASTE.
  6. Program will now open by double-clicking on Shortcut.

Placing a shortcut to Turbo C++ in the Start or Programs Menu.

  • Go to -> Start | Right-click | Explore | C:\TC\BIN
  • Locate and Right-click on TC.EXE
  • Select "Create Shortcut"
  • Locate "Shortcut to Turbo C++ IDE", Right-click on it and CUT or COPY.
  • Go To -> the left side of the Explore window
  • Locate C:\Windows\Start Menu (Highlight Start Menu)
  • Right-click on Start Menu and select PASTE.
  • A shortcut to Turbo C++ IDE is now in the Start Menu.
  • The above method can also be used to place a shortcut into the "Programs" section of the Start Menu. To do so, follow steps 1 -> 5 above, then:

    1. Locate C:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs (Highlight Programs)
    2. Right-click on Programs and select PASTE.
    3. A shortcut to Turbo C++ IDE is now in the Programs Menu.

    Appending Path to include Turbo C++ version 3.0 so that it may be started from a DOS prompt ( C:\WINDOWS> )

    1. Go to -> Start | Run | sysedit ENTER.
    2. You will now be in AUTOEXEC.BAT. Locate the LAST CHARACTER.
    3. Begin a new line.
    4. Type PATH=%PATH%;C:\TC\BIN;%PATH%
    5. Restart Computer.
    6. Turbo C++ 3.0 can now be started from any DOS prompt.

    Last Modified: 27-OCT-00