Answer: Builder compiles C or C++ based on the file extension. If your source file is named "file.c" it will be compiled with only C language features.
The only complication you must be aware of is when the source file containing your main() function is a C file. The C++Buidler 4 IDE requires the root source file (the source file with the same leading name as the project file) to be a C++ file and contain a symbol "main". An updated Console Wizard has solved this problem in C++ Builder 5 while the following steps work around this limitation in C++ Builder 4:
1. File | Close All
2. File | New | Console
| & include the VCL
3. Replace the default code in the editor (Unit1.cpp)
to the following:
#define main
#include <vcl.h>
4. File | New | Text
5. File | Save "File1.txt" as "main.c"
| & then close it
6. Project | Add to Project |
& choose "main.c"
7. Now, add the following to main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello, world!");
return 0;
8. File | Save all
9. Hit F9 to compile and run.
Last Modified: 22-NOV-00