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Article #25435: Can a Delphi Application Connect to an InterBase Database on Any Platform?

I want to develop a Delphi application using InterBase as a
backend. I need it to be able to connect to an InterBase
database on whatever operating system it happens to reside.
The information in this article applies to:
* All InterBase Versions
Yes, this is possible with a Delphi application using either
the BDE/SQL Links or ODBC. Depending on how transportable
you want the application to be, you may need to programmatically
make it possible for the user to set up their own datasources.
The InterBase client library will connect to an InterBase database
running on any supported platform. Because the BDE/SQLLinks
driver uses the InterBase client, Delphi applications are able to
connect to InterBase databases on any of the supported platforms.

Last Modified: 26-OCT-00