Answer: You may use the Session which is automatically available when using the TDatabase component.
Required components: Add a TDatabase and a TTable to the form.
Note: This example uses the method, "AddStandardAlias," for
creating aliases (to the session) for Paradox, dBase, or ASCII tables.
If you require an alias for an SQL database server, you must use the AddAlias
method instead.
// -Configure session-
// If alias exists, do not attempt to create one
if ( !Session->IsAlias(AnsiString("TESTDB")) )
// Creates an alias until
end of session
// Name of alias to create
// Default path to database, which may be different depending on where
you installed Builder
AnsiString("c:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Borland
// Type of database
// -Configure database-
Database1->DatabaseName = AnsiString("TESTDB");
Database1->LoginPrompt = false;
Database1->Connected = true;
// -Configure table-
Table1->DatabaseName = AnsiString("TESTDB");
// Indicates which table you would like to use
Table1->TableName =
Table1->TableType = ttParadox;
= true;
Last Modified: 31-OCT-00