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Article #27794: C++ Command-line error: "error E2075"

Question: I am getting an error from the Borland C++ command-line compiler: "error E2075". What's the problem?


This error results from a problem in one of the .cfg files for the command-line compiler. There are only two .cfg files included with the command-line compiler (in the bin directory) so take a look at both. The problem is with an option or string that is not recognized or not allowed. If you added a symbol or string to one of the .cfg files, double check it to make sure that it is an allowed option or string, and that its syntax is correct. For syntax formatting, type bcc32.exe at the command line (with no options) and you will get a list of allowed options and their associated syntax. There are several printed books available that have the Borland command-line compiler included on cd. The E2075 error sometimes results directly from the install of those compilers as there may be an immediate error in the .cfg files included. To quickly resolve the problem in this case, point your web browser to the following URL: http://www.borland.com/bcppbuilder/freecompiler/ and follow the instructions to get the free download of the compiler. Uninstall your existing command-line compiler, and replace it by installing the compiler that you just downloaded.

Last Modified: 25-SEP-01