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Article #10291: Problems with printing, preview and paper size in Quick Reports.


I'm having problems with PrintPreview and Paper Size in QuickReports, Is there a fix for this?


Yes. For Delphi 4 users a QuickReports upgrade to version 3.0.5 for Delphi 4 users is now available from the QuSoft web page at: http://www.qusoft.com/scripts/download.dll .
The file is called QR305SD4.EXE. This is the version which shipped with Delphi 5. This version includes some significant bug fixes, including issues with custom page sizes, qr2demo, DIV function, title length, expression wizard and pop-up menu items (right mouse click).

For Delphi 5 users there is now an update to version 5.0.7 available from the same site. This file is called QR307SD5.EXE.

Fixes here include several printer issues, particularly with HP printers which we've heard several reports about. For more detailed information see http://www.qusoft.com/scripts/download.dll

Last Modified: 16-DEC-00