Question and Answer Database FAQ443B.txt Reading the autoincrement value of Paradox table Category :Database (Miscellaneous) Platform :All Product :Applies to all Question: How is the next autoincrement value determined for a Paradox table? Answer: The current highest value is stored beginning at byte 73 decimal. The next value is determined by adding 1 to it. Here is a simple Delphi function that returns the current autoincrement value. function getAutoInc(filename : string) : LongInt; var mystream : tfilestream; buffer : longint; begin mystream := tfilestream.create(filename, fmOpenread + fmShareDenyNone); mystream.Seek(73, soFromBeginning); mystream.readbuffer(buffer, 4); mystream.Free; getAutoInc := buffer; end; 8/18/98 11:10:49 AM
Last Modified: 05-OCT-99