Question and Answer Database FAQ597D.txt Retrieving a users login name. Category :Windows API Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: How do I get the user's login name under 32-bit versions of Windows? Answer: The following function demonstrates how to use the GetUserName API call to accomplish this task in Delphi 3 or higher: function GetCurrentUserName: string; var Len: Cardinal; { This will have to be Integer, not cardinal, in Delphi 3. } begin Len := 255; { arbitrary length to allocate for username string, plus one for null terminator } SetLength(Result, Len — 1); { set the length } if GetUserName(PChar(Result), Len) then { get the username } SetLength(Result, Len — 1) { set the exact length if it succeeded } else begin RaiseLastWin32Error; { raise exception if it failed } end; end; In Delphi 2, use a function like the following: function GetCurrentUserName2: string; var Len: integer; buf: array [0..255] of char; begin Len := SizeOf(buf); if GetUserName(@buf,Len) then begin Result := buf; end else begin Raise Exception.Create('Win32 Error: ' + IntToStr(GetLastError)); { You could use FormatMessage to translate the error code into an error message } end; end; 01/06/00
Last Modified: 06-JAN-00