Question and Answer Database FAQ1842D.txt How can I place a bitmap in a Metafile? Category :VCL Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: How can I place a bitmap in a Metafile? Answer: The following example demonstrates drawing a bitmap into a metafile. Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var m : TmetaFile; mc : TmetaFileCanvas; b : tbitmap; begin m := TMetaFile.Create; b := TBitmap.create; b.LoadFromFile('C:\SomePath\SomeBitmap.BMP'); m.Height := b.Height; m.Width := b.Width; mc := TMetafileCanvas.Create(m, 0); mc.Draw(0, 0, b); mc.Free; b.Free; m.SaveToFile('C:\SomePath\Test.emf'); m.Free; Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile('C:\SomePath\Test.emf'); end; 7/16/98 4:31:28 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99