Question and Answer Database FAQ1906D.txt Reducing the resource requirements of TNotebook and TTabbedNotebook Category :VCL Platform :All Product :All 32 bit Question: Is there any way to reduce the resource requirements of the TNotebook and TTabbedNotebook components? Answer: Yes. It is possible to reduce the requirements of the pages in the TNotebook and TTabbedNotebook components by destroying the handles of the components that are not on the current page. The following example demonstrates calling the protected DestroyHandle method of the page, by subclassing the notebook to get access to the protected method. type TMyTabbedNotebook = class(TTabbedNotebook); type TMyNotebook = class(TNotebook); procedure TForm1.TabbedNotebook1Change(Sender: TObject; NewTab: Integer; var AllowChange: Boolean); begin with TabbedNotebook1 do TMyTabbedNotebook( TWinControl(Pages.Objects[PageIndex])).DestroyHandle; end; procedure TForm1.TabSet1Change(Sender: TObject; NewTab: Integer; var AllowChange: Boolean); begin with Notebook1 do TMyNotebook(TWinControl(Pages.Objects[PageIndex])).DestroyHandle; NoteBook1.PageIndex := NewTab; AllowChange := true end; 7/16/98 4:31:28 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99