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Article #18002: Using a TQRExpr component at run-time

 Question and Answer Database
FAQ3002D.txt Using a TQRExpr component at run-time
Category :Quick Reports
Platform :All
Product :All 32 bit
How do I check the value of QRExpr control at runtime?
The Value property of a TQRExpr component is of type
TQREvResult. You can check Value.Kind to see what the
data type is. The following table shows how to retrieve the
results of the expression based on the value of Value.Kind:
Value.Kind The result is in
resInt Value.IntResult
resDouble Value.DblResult
resString Value.StrResult
resBool Value.BooResult
resError there was an error
The constants are defined in the QRPrntr unit.
7/16/98 4:31:28 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99