Question and Answer Database FAQ3032D.txt :Preventing changing pages in a page control Category :VCL Platform :Win95/NT/98 Product :All32Bit, Question: How do I prevent the change of a page in a TPageControl? Answer: uses CommCtrl; procedure TForm1.PageControl1Changing(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean); var Info : TTCHitTestInfo; P : TPoint; idx : Integer; begin GetCursorPos(P); := (Sender as TPageControl).ScreenToClient(P); Info.flags := TCHT_ONITEM; idx := SendMessage((Sender as TPageControl).Handle,TCM_HITTEST,0,Integer(@Info)); Caption := 'idx = '+IntToStr(idx); end; // Of course, you'd set AllowChange to False given certain // values of idx, instead of setting the Caption... 11/24/1998 3:14:45 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99