Question and Answer Database FAQ3080D.txt — Delphi 3/400: ApplyUpdates doesn't work Category :AS400 Platform :All-32Bit Product :DelphiAS400, Question: I have Delphi 3/400. How come when using a MIDAS connection, ApplyUpdates doesn't work. Answer: To solve this problem obtain the latest Delphi/400 patch from: "" There is no way to know if a field is NULL or contains NOTHING. so, the Resolver will replace each field with no data by a NULL. In most case, this will generate a error on the AS/400. (if your fields don't allow NULL). That's why you should had something like this on the server side : procedure TDemoServer.MyProviderGetData(DataSet: TClientDataSet); var i:integer; begin with DataSet do begin while not EOF do begin Edit; for i:=0 to fieldcount-1 do begin if fields[i].IsNull then fields[i].asstring:=''; end; Post; Next; end; end; end; 4/1/99 4:12:08 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99