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Article #18798: SQL Explorer reports Oracle 8 database as Oracle 7 database

 Question and Answer Database
FAQ3798B.txt SQL Explorer reports Oracle 8 database as Oracle 7 database
Category :Database(Oracle8)
Platform :Win95/NT
Product : BC++5.x C++Builder1.0 C++Builder3.x Delphi2.x Delphi3.x Delphi4.x
Why does SQL Explorer report the database type as Oracle 7.3.2 when I
connect to an Oracle 8 database?
SQL Explorer queries the SM$VERSION table using the sql statement
"select 'Oracle ' || VERSION_TEXT from SM$VERSION"
to determine the version of the database and it returns 7.3.2.
To verify that you are connecting to an Oracle 8 database query GV$VERSION.
example: select BANNER from GV$VERSION

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99