Q. How does SQL Links determine if an MSSQL Table can be refreshed or not?
A. The following query is run when the table is opened: select x.name, x.indid, x.status, INDEX_COL('owner.tablename', x.indid, c.colid) from sysindexes x, syscolumns c where x.id = object_id ('owner.tablename') and indid between 1 and 254 and x.id = c.id and c.colid <= x.keycnt order by x.indid, c.colid ASC Note that owner and tablename are case sensitive. Another query that is useful in working on this problem is listing all index for a table. The following query will do so: SELECT b.* from dbo.sysobjects a, sysindexes b, sysusers c where a.name='tablename' and a.id=b.id and c.uid=a.uid and c.name='ownername' Note that tablename and username are case sensitive. |
Last Modified: 11-FEB-00