QUESTION: How can I check if the current user is logged in as administrator? ANSWER: Below is a code sample to check if the current user is logged in as administrator. function IsAdmin: Boolean; var hAccessToken: THandle; ptgGroups: PTokenGroups; dwInfoBufferSize: DWORD; psidAdministrators: PSID; x: Integer; bSuccess: BOOL; begin Result := False; bSuccess := OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread, TOKEN_QUERY, True, hAccessToken); if not bSuccess then begin if GetLastError = ERROR_NO_TOKEN then bSuccess := OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess, TOKEN_QUERY, hAccessToken); end; if bSuccess then begin GetMem(ptgGroups, 1024); bSuccess := GetTokenInformation(hAccessToken, TokenGroups, ptgGroups, 1024, dwInfoBufferSize); CloseHandle(hAccessToken); if bSuccess then begin AllocateAndInitializeSid(SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, psidAdministrators); {$R-} for x := 0 to ptgGroups.GroupCount — 1 do if EqualSid(psidAdministrators, ptgGroups.Groups[x].Sid) then begin Result := True; Break; end; {$R+} FreeSid(psidAdministrators); end; FreeMem(ptgGroups); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if isAdmin then begin ShowMessage('Logged in as Administrator'); end; end; |
Last Modified: 02-FEB-01