Custom drawing of menu items
By Corbin Dunn
Delphi Developer Support
First, take the opportunity to download the complete source for this project from CodeCentral. While working an application I wanted to have a custom drawn popup menu that separated the menu into a series of groups. This would allow the user to easily differentiate each group. With Delphi, this is very easy to do. I put a TPopupMenu on my form and set the OwnerDraw property to True. I then set the OnDrawItem event for all of my "header" menu items. Then, I added the following code: | ![]() |
procedure TForm1.CustomMenu1DrawItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas;
ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean);
LeftPos: Integer;
TopPos: Integer;
TextLength: Integer;
Text: string;
Text := (Sender as TMenuItem).Caption;
ACanvas.Brush.Color := clGray;
ACanvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
ACanvas.Font.Style := [fsBold];
// Draw right in the middle of the menu
TopPos := ARect.Top +
(ARect.Bottom — ARect.Top — ACanvas.TextHeight('W')) div 2;
TextLength := Length(Text);
if TextLength > (ARect.Right — ARect.Left) then
LeftPos := ARect.Left + 3
LeftPos := ARect.Left + (ARect.Right — ARect.Left -
ACanvas.TextWidth(Text)) div 2;
ACanvas.TextOut(LeftPos, TopPos, Text);
Pretty simple!
Last Modified: 26-MAR-01