Question: Last Modified: 01-NOV-01
Why are my codes not being accepted? Why am I being asked to register again after I've already installed and registered Kylix?
This most often occurs when Kylix (any edition) has previously been installed on the same machine. Here are some suggestions:
Rename your $HOME/.borland directory to $HOME/.borland.bak (or just delete it).
Start Kylix.
Register the Software again (you should still have your serial number, authorization key and registration code).
Remove 'registry.bin' file from $HOME/.borland directory.
Start Kylix.
Register the Software again.
If the previous suggestions fail then run the 'locale' command on your console window. If you have the default locale setting:
LC_ALL=POSIX, C or blank
then, could you try to set 'en_US' to your locale settings (or whatever you locale may be). To do this enter the following in a console window:
export LANG=en_US
export LC_ALL=en_US
then, use 'locale' command again to verify that the settings are correct.
Other notes:
Different installation locations won't help since the registration information
are always stored in the same place /home/
You will have to register the Software for every machine you install Kylix on, and for every user who runs Kylix on a machine.