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Article #28061: Getting error -145 when trying to apply the Delphi 6 Update


Getting error -145 when trying to apply the Delphi 6 Update


This problem usually occurs because the data in the RootDir key in the Windows Registry is blank.
Use regedit, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Borland\Delphi\ 6.0
Look at the Data in the RootDir key. It should point to the location where you installed Delphi 6. In most cases where I have seen error -145 this value was blank. If yours is blank, modify the RootDir key and set the Value Data to the path where your Delphi 6 is installed. If you installed to the default location it would be:
c:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi6
Once you do this, retry the Delphi 6 Update.

Last Modified: 13-DEC-01