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Article #28178: Possible solutions for IDE Internal Error in Kylix 2.


Why am I getting the an IDE Internal Error when loading Kylix?

Answer: Here are some suggestions

If it is a conflict with the QT library paths you can try entering the following in a terminal window (command prompt):

If it is not a QT conflict, then another possibility for Redhat 7.1 is to try running XConfigurator as root from a term window. For other distributions this may or may not work. It is possible that this is a problem with XFree86 V4.0.3 so you can try upgrading to XFree86 V4.1 or downgrading to V3.3.6, or just comment the pex5 line in your /etc/X11/XF86Config (or XF86Config-4) and restart X:
Section "Module"
Load "xtt"
Load "ddc"
Load "GLcore"
Load "dbe"
Load "dri"
Load "extmod"
Load "glx"
# Load "pex5"
Load "record"
Load "xie"

Last Modified: 31-DEC-01