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TMS Grid Pack v1.5 : January 2002
* Copyright © 1996-2002 by TMS Software
* E-mail: info@tmssoftware.com
* Web : http://www.tmssoftware.com
Grid pack for C++Builder 6.0
containing :
- TAdvStringGrid : supercharged string grid
- TAdvColumnGrid : grid with column oriented property management
- TAdvSpreadGrid : formula-aware version of TAdvStringGrid
- TAdvPeviewDialog : print preview dialog
- TAdvGridPrintSettings : dialog for setting all grid's print options
- TAdvGridHTMLSettings : dialog for setting all grid's HTML export options
- TAdvGridFindDialog : helper dialog for grid's find functions
- TESBMathsLib : library with mathematical functions for TAdvSpreadGrid
- TFinanceMathLib : library with financial functions for TAdvSpreadGrid
- TConversionMathLib : library with physical unit conversion functions for TAdvSpreadGrid
- TMiscMathLib : library with miscellanous functions for TAdvSpreadGrid
Additional demos :
Available at : http://www.tmssoftware.com/advgrid2.htm
example application 1 : printing with TAdvStringGrid
example application 2 : setting colors with TAdvStringGrid
example application 3 : navigation in TAdvStringGrid
example application 4 : general demo of TAdvStringGrid
example application 5 : comboboxes, lookupediting & imagelist images in TAdvStringGrid.
example application 6 : sorting, including custom sorting in TAdvStringGrid
example application 7 : C++Builder demo showing setting of cell color, alignment and sorting styles.
example application 8 : rich text capabilities in TAdvStringGrid
example application 9 : using bitmaps for printing headers & footers
example application 10 : demonstration of some new v1.81 features
example application 11 : node expand / contract functions
example application 12 : radiobutton inplace editors
example application 13 : combining the versatility of TAdvStringGrid and TWebData to build a stock quote downloader.
example application 14 : demonstrating the TAdvStringGrid v1.83 grouping features
example application 15 : rich text drag & drop, printing and enhanced row and column moving
example application 16 : using the printsettings dialog & print preview dialog
example application 17 : load a MS Access table into TAdvStringGrid through ADO
example application 18 : using custom sort sequences
example application 19 : using the new edUnitEditBtn for split physical value editing in C++Builder
example application 20 : using the new HTML formatting capabilities
example application 21 : C++Builder version of the main demo
example application 22 : using the new filtering capabilities
example application 23 : an image catalogue program exploring the new support for TPicture in cells
example application 24 : using other TMS edit controls as inplace editors in TAdvStringGrid
example application 25 : printing multiple grids on a single page
example application 26 : using the ESBPCS edit controls as inplace editors in TAdvStringGrid
example application 27 : using the JPMOPen font and color combobox as inplace editors in TAdvStringGrid
example application 28 : using row, cell, cell ranges and column drag & drop
example application 29 : adding a field chooser to TAdvStringGrid
example application 30 : using an inplace rich editor in TAdvStringGrid
example application 31 : using TAdvStringGrid with TChartLink
example application 32 : using the TImagePicker as inplace editor for TAdvStringGrid
example application 33 : a scriptable grid : TGridScript unleashes the power of TatPascalScripter for TAdvStringGrid
example application 34 : using Addict Spell Checker with TAdvStringGrid
example application 35 : using a ColumnComboBox as inplace editor
example application 36 : using the new ControlLook property to select different inplace editor control looks
example application 37 : sorting on selected fixed rows of choice
example application 38 : grouping and merged group headers in TAdvStringGrid
example application 39 : merged cell access, merge cell printing and HTML export
example application 40 : sort independent cell access
example application 41 : virtual cells and disjunct row selection
example application 42 : merged cell printing
example application 43 : advanced border control
example application 44 : floating footer usage
example application 45 : virtual cell sorting
example application 46 : various new TAdvStringGrid v2.0 features
example application 47 : using the new capability to load data from MDB files
example application 48 : disjunct cell selection
example application 49 : automatically calculating fixed floating footer cells
example application 50 : (ab)using TAdvStringGrid : console app based sorting & fileformat conversion
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